Sourcing / manufacturing

"Outsourcing your prototyping and manufacturing to China can reward you with up to 40% savings compared to Western-based operations"

China SourCing for ManufaCturing

Outsourcing your manufacturing is a big leap for any size of business and can be a daunting task. outsourcing can actually provide many significant benefits and any business can contract their manufacturing to a foreign manufacturer.

However, trying this on your own without an experienced outsourcing agent may risk both your product quality and your business reputation. The decision to outsource, while rewarding, can be very time consuming and costly if not done right.

hOW CAn We mAke OutsOurCing WOrk fOr yOur business?

hOW CAn We mAke OutsOurCing WOrk fOr yOur business?

With 40+ years of experience working in China we can assure you access to our hard earned network of reliable vendors and sources for just about any product or service. We aim for the highest western standards in every aspect of our business, and we pride ourselves on the long-term professional relationships we have earned with both our trusted China suppliers adn our valued clients.

ManufaCturing ConSultant

Using high quality Chinese manufacturers to produce your products gives your business the creative and financial freedom to concentrate your efforts on building profits, not building factories.

Based in the heart of China's industrial East Coast we offer you easy access to thousands of high quality world-class factories equipped to fulfil your exact specifications.

As A prOfessiOnAl mAnufACturing COnsulting serviCe We CAn...

shAre knOWledge

... share our knowledge of existing manufacturers and vette new manufacturers on your behalf.


... negotiate every aspect of your project with your best interests in mind.

COnfirm methOds

... ensure that only professional manufacturing methods are employed in the execution of your project.

COntrACt testing

... confirm quality and content of the materials that will be used by contracting testing, by certified internationally recognized testing facilities such as SGS, Intertex & Veritas.


... conduct in line inspections and regularly scheduled and unscheduled factory visits on your behalf.

prOvide sAmples

... provide in line production samples to you for review during the entire manufacturing process as required.

turnkey China SourCing SolutionS

turnkey China SourCing SolutionS

As it relates to our service the "turnkey" process typically begins with our receiving us clients complete project concept and ends with door 2 door delivery. Weather we begin your project with a back-of-the napkin sketch, comprehensive 3-d design specs or an actual working prototype we will assist you and take responsibility from start to finish, a comprehensive service.

Choosing a turnkey solution will save you a lot of time in terms of only dealing with one company “us” instead of having to communicate with several different companies to complete the process. It is an efficient and cost effective “all inclusive” service.

Should you not be in need of such comprehensive range of services, of course we are happy to handle general sourcing, simple procurement, and the typical inline QA / and pre-ship final QC inspections.

"The term turnkey is often used in construction and mechanical engineering to imply that a property or piece of equipment is ready to go with the turn of a key."

faCtory auditS

Quality fade is one of the biggest dangers with long distance outsourcing. If you already have new or long time manufacturer but would like to avoid quality fade as time goes by we will go on site to perform factory audits to ensure that the factory manager is working in line with your original expectations and that your product holds the desired standard.

AdditiOnAlly We CAn mOnitOr yOur suppliers' AdherenCe tO sOCiAl COmpliAnCe guidelines:

Such visits can provide an honest insight into your suppliers' daily production practices, quality control checks, overall facility and H.R. conditions.

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